What is the Future of Coffee?

This article about coffee is probably not going to be what you want to hear, but at Madres Espresso, we kind of believe being honest is pretty important.

You may have noticed, and we are being a bit facetious when we say that, grocery prices have risen lately.  Oh my, have they ever risen.

We do not claim to be economists at Madres. We have no idea all of the factors which have caused prices to soar in the last couple years, and it seems that you could ask ten people and get ten different opinions about the cause of the price increase.

What we do know is coffee, and we have a fairly good grasp of the coffee industry. With that as a preface, we are now going to point out a couple things you might find interesting.

Global warming, or climate change if you prefer, is causing a serious shortage of productive land for coffee farming.  It is predicted/estimated that by 2050, half of the land currently used for growing and harvesting quality coffee beans will be unproductive due to climate change.  And that means a severe shortage of coffee beans, and a shortage in supply will automatically mean a rise in price.

Not a terribly rosy outlook.  However, there is a slimmer of hope, and that hope comes from West Africa, where a wild strain of coffee is being harvested, a strain which grows well in hotter temperatures . . . and that coffee is called Stenophylla.

Will this new coffee bean be the answer?  There is no way of knowing, but what we do know is coffee consumption is increasing, and those in the coffee industry are aware of the problem and frantically trying to find a solution.

In the meantime, while all of those movers and shakers do their thing, you can count on one thing: Madres Espresso will be here to serve you from our coffee stand on Cooper Point Road and also Pacific Ave. S.E.

Prices may rise in the business world, but outstanding customer service will always stay the same at Madres Espresso.


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