Top Ten Coffee Consumption Countries

This list might surprise you a bit; it did us.

Here, then, are the Top Ten Coffee Consumption countries in this big old world of ours:

·         Finland (four cups per day)’

·         Norway (three cups per day)

·         Denmark (two cups per day)

·         Iceland (two cups per day)

·         The Netherlands (1.9 cups per day_

·         Sweden (1.8 cups per day)

·         Switzerland (1.6 cups per day)

·         Belgium (1.5 cups per day)

·         Luxembourg (1.4 cups per day)

·         Canada (1.3 cups per day)

If you are wondering why the United States is absent from the Top Ten, consider the populations of these countries.  Finland, for example, has far fewer people than the U.S., and yet, on average, every single person in Finland drinks about twenty-six pounds of coffee per year.  The U.S. has far greater consumption, but not per person, simply because our population is so large.

And, for those wondering, if we are talking total consumption, the United States ranks fifth.

Can you guess which country ranks first?


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