Coffee Shop Industry Statistics

Just some random statistics about coffee shops we thought you might find interesting.  If not, carry on with your day, and include in that day a visit to our Madres Espresso coffee stand.

  1. Single-cup coffee brewers are found in 41% of homes and 28% of business offices.

  2. Gourmet coffee makes up 59% of the coffee consumed.

  3. In the US, 70% of people prefer to make their coffee.

  4. Coffee drinkers in the United States average two to three cups of coffee.

  5. People prefer regular coffee over espresso-based beverages twice as much.

  6. Millennials prefer espresso-based drinks and gourmet coffee.

  7. In the United States, Iced coffee is consumed by 20% of coffee drinkers.

  8. About 2.97 cups of gourmet coffee are consumed by specialty coffee drinkers.

  9. In the last five years, the US has seen a 2.4% growth in the number of coffee shops.

  10. As of 2022, there are 65,410 coffee shops.

  11. Starbucks customers purchased 17.1% of the single-serve coffee.

  12. In the US there are 17,537 coffee-related jobs, and the number of people employed is estimated to rise 3.8% per year.

  13. Coffee production businesses in the US retain four to five employees.

  14. In 2022, the global coffee industry’s revenue is projected to be in the billions.

  15. Globally in 2022, roasted coffee purchases come in at $73,935 million.

  16. In 2020, coffee sales decreased globally by 3.8%.

  17. In the first five years in business, more than half of independent coffee shops will fail.

  18. 99% of small coffee shop closures have nothing to do with the quality of their product.

  19. The consumption of coffee is projected to increase by one-third worldwide by 2030.


Have an incredible Thursday and thank you for making us the Best of the South Sound!


A Five Minute Sampling of Madres Espresso


Top Ten Coffee Consumption Countries