Small Coffee Stand and Small Business Rules for Success

Thinking about opening a small business? A small local business? Here are a few tips to consider.

Rule number 1: Be 100% authentic. In your business and in your social media, be who you really are. Don’t offer up what you think everyone wants. Be secure in yourself and in your product. There’s nothing worse than a phony. People can see right through phoniness.

 Rule number 2: Invest in your team. Find awesome people you gel with who share a love for your product or service and be the leader they deserve. If you make more money, they make more money. If you take vacations, they deserve the same. If they do dishes and clean up, so do you. Treat your team with dignity, respect, and genuinely care about them. They’re part of why you’re a success and, in a coffee stand, they are literally the face of your business.

 Rule number 3: Be fearless. Put it all on the line. Roll the dice. Discomfort equals growth. Opening a coffee stand, or any small business, is difficult and uncomfortable and full of failures. Persevere and do so without fear. There are no great successes rooted in fear. It cripples. Have the audacity.

 And, finally, if you are in Olympia, always purchase your coffee at Madres Espresso! 😊




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