Top Seven Reasons Why People Drink Coffee

We came across an online discussion which centered on why people visit a coffee stand or a coffee shop; that discussion branched out to a more general question . . . why people are so gung-ho about coffee in general?

Here are a few of the reason given in those discussions.

Energizing boost of caffeine

No doubt about it, caffeine is a boost, especially in the morning, or if you are a college student pulling an all-nighter 😊

Health benefits

More and more studies are being published by reputable sources, which detail the health benefits of coffee, most notably the benefit of a healthy heart.

Physical or psychological addiction

Yes, this is a real thing and yes, it does happen.  The question is this: is it a harmful addiction or could it be labeled as a good addiction? Is that even possible?

Cultural reasons

We have talked about this in many of our articles. All over the world, coffee is part of the cultural traditions.

Enjoy the taste

I mean come on, who doesn’t love the taste of espresso-based drinks?  Okay, I guess it’s possible there are some people who don’t, but without a doubt they are in the minority.

Meeting others

This is much more prominent in other parts of the world; without a doubt, going to a coffee shop is a great way to meet friends or just mingle with strangers.


I mentioned before, one of my favorite memories is of my father, sitting at the kitchen table, early morning, reading a paperback and drinking coffee.  And I’m sure I’m not alone with that memory, and that is just a part of the fabric of society, those memories based on traditions within families.

Our guess

We can’t narrow it down to one or two reasons. We suspect it’s a little bit of all of those reasons listed.  We are just glad people love coffee, and we are thrilled they choose to come to Madres Espresso and share in our tradition.


Asking a Small Favor


Coffee Stand Culture the American Way