The Qualities of a Great Barista

This is a topic you all should have opinions on since, if you are reading this, you have visited a coffee stand and you have been served by a barista. That pretty much makes you an expert on this topic.

What makes a great barista? What qualities must they have to be considered for the Barista Hall of Fame? 

We are going to discuss a few qualities we believe are important, and if you have something to add, please leave a comment.

Okay, let’s get started.

First, it goes without saying, a barista must know their craft.

This probably goes without saying, but we all expect a barista to be able to concoct whatever special coffee order we give to them.  How weird would that be if you ordered a simple mocha and the barista stood there, utterly stumped?

Second, a barista must be friendly in a genuine sort of way.

How many times have you gone to a retail establishment, paid your money, prepared to leave, and the clerk has said “Have a nice day” with all of the genuineness of a computer-generated voice?  People go to coffee shops and coffee stands, not only for the coffee, but for the human connection. A great barista understands that fact and is truly pleased that you, the customer, stopped by.

Third, a barista should remember the names and regular drinks of the regular customers.

Truth be told, this writer still, after going to coffee shops for fifteen years, is amazed at how quickly good baristas remember names and favorite drinks of customers.  That is not easy to do considering the fact that a barista will see hundreds of customers each week.  And yet the good ones do it and do it quickly.

Fourth, the ability to multitask is crucial.

Have you ever watched a barista during a particularly busy time in a coffee shop? They have two or three things going on at the same time i.e. preparing the shots, grabbing flavors, steaming milk, and doing those things for several drinks at the same time.  Just the fact that they juggle multiple orders in their heads while working is amazing.

Finally, a positive attitude is greatly appreciated.

This goes along with being friendly, of course, but it really is an all-out effort, on the part of the barista, to be a positive influence on their customers on any given day. Let’s face it, life can be tough, and there are people out there with real problems, and perhaps just five minutes spent talking to a barista who is smiling and is happy that the customer stopped by . . . well . . . that can make a huge difference for that customer.

Put it all together and you have . . .

Well, not to sound self-serving or anything, but those five qualities perfectly describe the baristas at Madres Espresso, and we are darned proud of that fact.

Stop in at our coffee stand on Cooper Point Road, or our coffee stand on Pacific Avenue, and find out for yourself what a great barista looks like.


A List of Espresso Drinks


The History of the Coffee Stand in America