Owning a Coffee Stand: The Hardest Thing To Do

Just in case you are thinking of opening a coffee stand and thus becoming one of our competitors 😊we thought we would give you some insider advice, in particular about the most difficult task of an owner.

No, it is not finding the right location for your coffee stand, although that is certainly a challenge.

No, it is not obtaining all the permits and dealing with city government. In truth, that has never been an issue for us.

No, it is not learning how to make the wide variety of coffee/espresso drinks, although there are certainly many of them and it is somewhat of a chore to learn them all.

And no, it is not dealing with unruly or angry customers; truthfully, we rarely encounter any, and a smile goes a long way towards diffusing any problems.

The hardest thing to do, by far, is to find baristas who know their job well, who love to deal with the public, and who you can trust.

Baristas like the ones working at Madres Espresso, the cream of the crop and the absolute best in Olympia.

Madres Espresso . . . come find out what great customer service looks like.


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