About Small Businesses

I love this quote:

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
— Maya Angelou

We never want to forget those words here at Madres Espresso.

Listen, we have nothing against big businesses and corporations.  Heck, practically all of us shop, from time to time, at Walmart or Costco, and without a doubt most of us shop online with Amazon. It doesn’t get much bigger than those three in the retail business world.

However, at the risk of sounding self-serving, small businesses are the heart and soul of any city.  The neighborhood shops, the downtown retailers crammed into 1,000 square feet, the food trucks and the mom & pop groceries, that’s where the real pulse of a city (Olympia) will be found.

We could spend time detailing the reasons why shopping with small businesses is a good thing to do, but you already know the reasons.  We just wanted to reiterate our opinion, that small businesses are vital for the health of a city.

As always, thank you for supporting Madres Espresso.  We would be nothing more than a dream if it weren’t for the good people of Olympia constantly showing us retail love.

Cooper Point Road and Pacific Avenue, two coffee stands, one commitment to outstanding customer service.  Stop by and let us get to know you.


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